On Line Store
Superb silver William IV Larger Snuff tobacco box Edward Smith 1835
Georgian Silver Patch Box Birmingham 1800 John Thornton
Silver Caddy Spoon Georgian Charles Hollinshed 1821 Shell Bowl Bright Cut
Nathaniel Mills Georgian Silver Vinaigrette 1828
Georgian Silver Mote Spoon c1715/1720 Isaac Davenport London
Superb large Georgian Mustard Wm LeStourgeon 1764 with spoon & liner
Silver marrow scoop Wm Eley & Wm Fearn & Co London 1814 £255
Georgian 18th C Silver Table spoon Bottom stamped Wm Sumner & R Crossley 1777
Georgian 18th C Silver Table spoon Bottom stamped Jacob Marsh or John Moore 1775
Scottish Provincial Silver Toddy Ladle Charles Murray Perth c1820
Silver Mote Spoon in Britannia silver c1715
Rare Scottish silver teaspoon Elgin Thomas Stewart c1820
Extremely rare Scottish Provincial teaspoon c1810 John McIver
Scottish Provincial teaspoon Aberdeen c1820 James Pirie
Rare Scottish Provincial teaspoon Dundee John Austen c1825
Extremely rare Scottish Provincial tablespoon Wick c1825
Set 6 Scottish Provincial Silver spoons Perth R & R Keay c1820
Scottish provincial teaspoon Dundee William Scott c 1780
Set 6 Scottish Provincial Aberdeen teaspoons James Erskin c1810
York Silver fish slice Barber and North 1837
Rare York silver asparagus tongs Barber & Whitwell York 1818
York Town Mark "Yorkshire Club" fork 1838/9
Charles II Silver trefid spoon Thomas Allen 1679
Exceptional James II Trefid spoon Edward Hulse 1688
James I Seal top spoon James Cluatt 1607
Elizabeth I Seal top spoon Patrick Brue 1602
Set 6 York Teaspoons Barber and North 1837
Pair of Georgian silver salts Thomas James 1815
Set 4 York Silver Tea Spoon Barber and North, York 1837
Georgian silver sifter London 1808 John Blake